Družbena pogodba v 21. stoletju:
historično-sociološki, filozofsko-etični in
izobraževalno-pedagoški vidiki


BioEthical Standards in Translational research: an integrated approach of the Bioethics education in biomedical sciences and its role in the development of the Knowledge Society in Danube Region countries

The project aims to building and strengthening of a competitive partnership (BEST-NetWORK) among biomedical & life sciences universities, research & bioethics centers from the Danube region interested in addressing the present bioethics approaches in different area of translational research & to connect them to similar approaches from Europe (EATRIS).

Core Curriculum in Bioethics
What is Bioethics?
Benefit & Harm
Human dignity & Human rights
Autonomy & Individual responsibility
Privacy and Confidentiality
Equality, Justice and Equity
Non-discrimination & Non-stigmatization
Respect for cultural diversity & Pluralism
Solidarity & Cooperation
Social responsibility & Health
Sharing of benefits
Protecting future generations
Protection of the Environment, the biosphere & the biodiversity


Aškerčeva2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: 01/241 1124


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